This is part five of a six-part, six-week series based on
Psalm 139:13-18.
Of the passage in Psalm 139 we’ve been looking at for the past few weeks, the verses we find today are among my favorites. Up until now, the words we’ve heard from God have related to our past — that He knew us before we were formed, that He personally knitted us together in our mother’s womb, that the days of our life have been written in His book. Those are very meaningful truths indeed, and in them, the high worth of our lives is established. Today’s verses, though, are for today. Look at what David wrote in Psalm 139:17-18a:
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! (New Living Translation)
Did you know God thinks about you? And not just every now
and then, but an endless number of times? You are on God’s mind. Even if you feel like you are anonymous to
everyone else in the world, you are not anonymous to God. He is continuously thinking of you. What are His thoughts? From Jeremiah 29:11, we learn that they are thoughts of good, thoughts of a hopeful future for us.
The respected Bible commentator Matthew Henry says God’s thoughts are "deep in themselves, such as cannot possibly be fathomed and comprehended. Providence has had a vast reach in its dispensations concerning us, and has brought things about for our good quite beyond our contrivance and foresight."
When we realize that God thinks of us in this way, Henry notes that we can’t help but hold God’s thoughts "dear to us; we must think of them with a great deal of reverence, and yet with pleasure and thankfulness. Our thoughts concerning God must be delightful to us, above any other thoughts."
Just as He spoke to David, today God reminds me, and He reminds you:
How precious are my thoughts about you, my child. They cannot be numbered! You can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!
Does that give you reason for hope?
[Matthew Henry quotes from Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible : Complete and unabridged in one volume. Henry, M. (1996, c1991).]